• Greenfirst

    The excellence plant-inspired against dust mites,
    mosquitoes or bed bugs.

  • Greentop

    Anti-dust mite treatment
    for the whole family.

  • Greensphere

    Antibacterial and anti-dust mite treatment

  • GreenHome

    Anti-dust mites, anti-bed bugs and
    anti-mosquitoes treatment

  • Greentouch

    The double effect treatment against dust mites and bed bugs.

Breyner News

How to protect yourself from bedbugs ?

At BREYNER®, we believe that the best solution is prevention! Indeed, isn’t it better to prevent than to cure? This adage is also true when we talk about this pest, which makes many French people live a real nightmare: the bed bug. According to a study by Inserm’s Sentinelle network (1), nearly 72,000 consultations with a general practitioner in metropolitan France had a reason related to bed bugs (period from April 2019 to March 2020). The question then arises: are there ways to protect yourself from bed bugs ?

Some tips to prevent the appearance of bed bugs :

  1. Do not store objects under your bed

By storing objects under your bed you offer bed bugs a nice hiding place near your mattress! You may also store an already infested object!

  • Make room for

Avoid leaving your clothes lying on the floor. Imagine if a bug passes by and clings to your jacket or sweater… this is the risk of contaminating your wardrobe see the whole room!

  • Become a fairy of the house

After picking up your clothes from the floor, remember to vacuum. This habit will help you get rid of possible wandering bugs.

  • When traveling, remember to check your accommodation

Before unpacking your suitcases, check your accommodation (hotel room, hostel …). Take a moment to inspect curtains, carpets, walls, and places near the bed. Most importantly, check if the bedding does not show signs of infestation. In case you notice the signs of an infestation, ask to change rooms. Also avoid placing your clothes on the bed.

  • Once back, wash your clothes and check your luggage

It would be a shame to bring back from your holiday stowaways… Wash your clothes at more than 55° (2) upon your return and clean your luggage, backpacks or handbags.

To go further in prevention

BREYNER® decided to take a step further in terms of prevention and developed the GREENFIRST® solution. Plant-inspired, it fights not only against bedbugs but also against mites and mosquitoes.  Formulated from an active substance: Geraniol, GREENFIRST® treatments combine proven efficacy with environmental and toxicological qualities. They are not classified as skin sensitizers and do not contain chemical fixatives. They can be used for all types of textile articles: fabric (cotton, polycotton, polyester), feather and down, fibers, wool and foam, etc., and in many areas: bedding, furniture, outdoor, clothing, communities, etc.  Thearticles treated with our solutions benefit from quality monitoring thanks to a traceability label sewn on the article (3).  Thanks to our know-how, BREYNER® has become the specialist in green prevention! To learn more we talked about green prevention in this blog post, take a look!

Do you have a few questions?  Pleaselet us know, we would be delighted to answer!

You can also follow us on our social networks: LinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram.

Before any use, make sure that it is essential, especially in places frequented by the general public. Whenever possible, choose alternative methods and products with the lowest risk to human and animal health and the environment. This product is a TP18 insecticide.


1) https://www.sentiweb.fr/document/5008


3) https://breyner.fr/solutions/


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