Geraniol is a molecule found in almost all plants. We find it in fruits and vegetables that we commonly consume (carrot, grape, tangerine, blackberry, raspberry …), but also in herbs and spices (coriander, ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, dill seeds …). Most essential oils produced by plants contain it.
This molecule has the particularity of being very versatile. It has very interesting insecticidal and repellent properties. Geraniol is reputed to be one of the best larvicide on the market and benefits from a wide spectrum of efficiency, from crawling insects such as ants, cockroaches, ticks or bedbugs, to flying such as flies, mosquitoes, wasps and hornets.
As part of its insecticidal properties, Geraniol acts directly on the cuticle of the insect (chitin) by dehydrating it, blocking its breathing. Unlike many biocidal substances, Geraniol does not act on the nervous system of insects, so it does not have a neurotoxic effect on pests. Geraniol also does not present risks of side effects on the nervous system of humans. This is called a non neurotoxic effect.
The GERANIOL 118 proposed by Breyner is a Geraniol produced by chemical engineering that was inspired by plants. This source is a security of permanent supply.
100% vegetable origin, GERANIOL 338 proposed by BREYNER is a natural Geraniol that complies as a raw material with the COSMOS standard issued by ECOCERT.
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