• Greenfirst

    The excellence plant-inspired against dust mites,
    mosquitoes or bed bugs.

  • Greentop

    Anti-dust mite treatment
    for the whole family.

  • Greensphere

    Antibacterial and anti-dust mite treatment

  • GreenHome

    Anti-dust mites, anti-bed bugs and
    anti-mosquitoes treatment

  • Greentouch

    The double effect treatment against dust mites and bed bugs.


Regulations and Certifications

An approach geared towards the future

BREYNER® is a founding member of the European Biocide Geraniol Task Force in order to make this molecule approved by the European Commission within the framework of European biocides regulation n ° 528/2012.

BREYNER® has chosen to defend Geraniol with the European authorities to promote its insecticide performance and toxicological balance (respect for humans) and ecotoxicology (respect for the planet). Numerous tests on Geraniol have already been carried out successfully.

Founding member of the Geraniol Task Force since 2004, BREYNER® is listed by the ECHA (European Chemicals Agency) as the official Geraniol supplier. Currently, the Geraniol is in transtional period. This means that it can be used without restriction in Europe*, provided it is purchased from a member of the Geraniol Biocide Task Force such as Breyner. In addition, we offer high performance formulations based on Geraniol classified as PT18 (insecticides) et PT19 (repellents).

*Subject to national legal registrations


Regulations and Certifications

A strategic choice

BREYNER® is the only green treatment manufacturer to be committed to such an approach. This is a strategic choice which allows us to:
– guarantee the durability of our formulations and our sources for the future
– put forward the use of responsible molecules to consumers, thanks to in-depth studies
– master constant optimisation technology to remain at the forefront of Green Protection.


& certifications


All consultants or laboratories who validate Breyner's treatments are INDEPENDENT.



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