Who are we ? – Breyner, specialist of textile treatments.
For over 25 years, BREYNER® has been investing in the bioactive sector for textile treatments. By putting forward high performance and innovative solutions, we are fighting against the inconveniences associated with the pests surrounding us within our own home.
Geraniol is a molecule promoted by the BREYNER® Company, a founding member of the European Biocide Task Force for GERANIOL. Molecule present in many plants, Geraniol has the advantage of very interesting insecticidal and repellent properties, but also of great toxicological and eco toxicological qualities: Geraniol is not neurotoxic for humans. It is a plant-based alternative to a still very chemically orientated industry, which is more harmful, and yet less effective.
Thanks to its long experience in R & D, BREYNER® acquired control of the of the geraniol molecule and the know-how of the formulation. Our patented technology allows us to increase and synergize the properties of geraniol while maintaining its intrinsic characteristics. This integrated know-how allows us to adjust the dosages in order to perfectly adapt our formulas to the needs of our customers.
Thanks to these 4 brands, BREYNER® provides a wide choice of treatments inspired by plants, enhancing textiles by providing them with a or several functions (anti-dust mite, anti-bacterial, anti-bed bug, mosquito repellent).
Within the context of its approach to quality, BREYNER® has developed a traceability method guaranteeing quality and effectiveness for all its treatments through audits carried out throughout the production and distribution chain. Each item having benefited from a BREYNER® treatment must imperatively be labelled by the manufacturer.
BREYNER® evolved from the know-how and skills of its founder, Benoît NYS. It was created and began activities in the north of France. Based in Lyon for 15 years, BREYNER® is a 100% French company. Our production and development are carried out at our Lyon sites, from which we export all our treatments worldwide. We have a commercial presence in over 30 countries and on several continents.
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