Anti-dust mites, anti-bed bugs and anti-mosquitoes treatment
Anti-dust mites and anti-bedbugs neutralizing effects (TP18) and mosquito repellent effect (TP19).
The GreenHome® treatment has been developed for broad spectrum efficacy for all home textile items. It combines 3 effects: it neutralizes dust mites and bedbugs and repels mosquitoes to preserve your Home Sweet Home.
Like all Breyner treatments, GreenHome benefits from quality monitoring thanks to a traceability label sewn onto the treated item. GreenHome processing complies with REACH and BPR obligations.
Aware of the challenges of bee survival, Breyner is proud to use a molecule that is even produced by worker bees! Indeed, worker bees (Apis mellifera) produce geraniol, the main component of the pheromone produced by their Nasonov gland. Geraniol is one of the components that allows them to better identify the entrance to their hive and their food sources but also to better communicate with each other. Nature has some nice surprises in store !
Anti-dust mites and anti-bedbugs neutralizing effects (TP18) and mosquito repellent effect (TP19).
The Active Substance of the GreenHome treatment: Geraniol, is is non-neurotoxic to humans.
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