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Breyner News

Anti-dust mites treatments, prevention is better than cure?

Anti-dust mites treatments

If you regularly follow this blog, it will not have escaped you that dust mites are not really friends for your bedding and in fact for your sleep. We have come back several times on the anti-dust mites treatments that treat the source of the problem. And finally if we considered preventing too? Come on, we tell you all about the plant-inspired treatments that will allow you to sleep without these little spiders and that also allow the systematic eviction of these sources of allergens on the treated textiles.

How to get rid of dust mites?

Before seeing the different preventive treatments, we must still talk about these spiders invisible to the naked eye and which develop particularly well in our bedroom. You will tell us, well if they are microscopic and we do not see them, maybe we can try a cohabitation? Unfortunately, these so-called “dust” mites lead to respiratory diseases such as asthma, and can give rhinitis repeatedly (see more explanation on our site). In the event of a massive infestation, it can be tempting to use pesticides that are very powerful, but that will also be harmful to your health (1). We recommend using active but non-neurotoxic substances for humans. So, what is this miraculous substance that destroys dust mites, but whose impact is controlled for health?  The Geraniol.

It is found in many fruits and vegetables, and without going into details, it acts on the cuticle of the insect by deshydrating it (if the subject interests you you will find more information on geraniol by clicking here)

There are also treatments based on peppermint, which are a safe bet and are known for their antibacterial performance (2).

How to prevent the arrival of dust mites?

Before you come to treat, we recommend that you be considerate and require when renewing your bedding, textiles treated against dust mites. Yes, but not any treatment. Do not choose bedding treated with chemicals that could cause you more harm than good. There are also antibacterial or so-called anti-odor textiles that contain biocidal treatments, but which are not mentioned on the product sheet, this has also been pointed out by the DGCCRF (3). Demand therefore a plant-inspired treatment based on an active substance that is not suspected of  endocrine disrupting and that will be integrated into the heart of the material. This process allows an effective maintenance of the protection even after several washes. If you want to know more about textile treatments formulated with geraniol, visit our page dedicated to textile applications on our website.  (click here)

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Use biocidal products with caution. Before use, read the label and product information.

Before any use, make sure that it is essential, especially in places frequented by the general public. Whenever possible, choose alternative methods and products with the lowest risk to human and animal health and the environment. ». This product is an TP18 acaricide.

Sources :

1 – https://www.futura-sciences.com/planete/questions-reponses/pollution-sont-dangers-pesticides-4105/

2  – https://www.passeportsante.net/fr/Solutions/PlantesSupplements/Fiche.aspx?doc=menthe_poivree_ps

3 – https://www.economie.gouv.fr/dgccrf/textiles-techniques-entre-innovation-et-surenchere


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