• Greenfirst

    The excellence plant-inspired against dust mites,
    mosquitoes or bed bugs.

  • Greentop

    Anti-dust mite treatment
    for the whole family.

  • Greensphere

    Antibacterial and anti-dust mite treatment

  • GreenHome

    Anti-dust mites, anti-bed bugs and
    anti-mosquitoes treatment

  • Greentouch

    The double effect treatment against dust mites and bed bugs.

Breyner News

Protect your health by choosing pyrethroid-free cleaning productsWhat are the solutions for countering the dangers of cleaning products containing pyrethroids ?

In our constant quest to keep our homes clean and hygienic, we often resort to a multitude of cleaning products. However, what we don’t always realise is that some of these products can present serious risks to our health. Products containing pyrethroids, commonly used in many pesticides and insecticides, are one of these little-known dangers.

A study by INSERM(1) highlights the risks associated with the use of permethrin, a widely used pyrethroid. This chemical has been linked to the development of various cancers, including prostate cancer and leukaemia. These revelations are alarming, especially when you consider that cancer is the leading cause of premature death in France(2).

So what can we do to control the impact on our health and that of our family, while maintaining a clean environment ?

The answer lies in finding and using non-mutagenic alternatives !

cleaning products

Fortunately, there is a growing range of cleaning products on the market that have a controlled impact on the environment and human health. These alternatives avoid the use of harmful substances such as pyrethroids and endocrine disrupters, which can disrupt the normal functioning of our hormonal system and contribute to the development of serious diseases such as cancer.

By opting for non-mutagenic and non-neurotoxic alternatives, you can use these products with complete peace of mind, knowing that you are controlling the risks to your health and the environment. What’s more, many plant-inspired solutions are just as effective !

Geraniol, the plant-based alternative to pyrethroids

At Breyner, our main objective since 1998 has been to introduce sustainable solutions to the pests that disrupt our lives, guaranteeing maximum effectiveness while respecting what we define as the virtuous triangle of green protection.

Performance (high insecticidal or repellent effect), environment (controlled ecotoxicity) and health (controlled toxicity).

At Breyner, our main objective since 1998 has been to introduce sustainable solutions to the pests that disrupt our lives, guaranteeing maximum effectiveness while respecting what we define as the virtuous triangle of green protection. Performance (high insecticidal or repellent effect), environment (controlled ecotoxicity) and health (controlled toxicity).

geraniol in fruit and vegetables

This substance is remarkably versatile, offering highly beneficial insecticidal and repellent properties. Geraniol is recognised as one of the most effective larvicides on the market, acting against a wide range of insects, from crawlers such as ants, cockroaches, ticks and bedbugs, to flyers such as flies, mosquitoes, wasps and hornets.

As an insecticide, Geraniol acts directly on the insect’s cuticle (chitin), dehydrating it and stopping it from breathing. Unlike many biocides, Geraniol does not target the insect’s nervous system, thus avoiding any neurotoxic effect on these pests. What’s more, geraniol has no side effects on the human nervous system, making it a non-neurotoxic agent.

Find out more about geraniol in the interview with our founder, Benoit Nys !

cleaning products that are good for your health and that of your pets

Oh yes, and we can even add that by using permethrin-free cleaning products, you’re also protecting your four-legged friends ! (3)


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