• Greenfirst

    The excellence plant-inspired against dust mites,
    mosquitoes or bed bugs.

  • Greentop

    Anti-dust mite treatment
    for the whole family.

  • Greensphere

    Antibacterial and anti-dust mite treatment

  • GreenHome

    Anti-dust mites, anti-bed bugs and
    anti-mosquitoes treatment

  • Greentouch

    The double effect treatment against dust mites and bed bugs.

Breyner News

What is citronellal ?

No, this is not a typo, you read correctly! Do you know citronellal, this active substance very close to geraniol?

 What is citronellal ?

Citronellal is an active component of lemongrass essential oil. It is a monoterpene aldehyde.  Citronellal will have the appearance of a colorless liquid with a lemon smell. It will act as a metabolite and fungal agent.

Some uses of citronellal

  • As a flavouring agent,
  • As a perfuming compound in detergents and detergents,
  • In personal hygiene products such as creams, lotions and perfumes…

Citronellal as an insect repellent

Citronellal is also considered an excellent repellent to insects such as mosquitoes. It will also be effective against ticks. For these different advantages, and on the strength of its already established experience, BREYNER has decided to take an interest in this active substance of plant origin, very close to geraniol, in order to continue its development and research as part of its GREEN approach. It is reputed to be one of the best larvicides on the market and has a broad spectrum of efficacy. Since their creation, the BREYNER company has focused its Research and Development efforts on the optimization of quality, innovative molecules of plant origin such as geraniol, which will be the active substances for all product formulations for insecticides or repellents.

Green protection by Breyner

The selection of active substances combined with our expertise in plant-inspired formulations, offers BREYNER a dynamic approach to Green Protection. This approach allows all consumers to effectively and gently get rid of pests from their daily lives, controlling the risk to human health and the planet. This approach is symbolized by the virtuous triangle of Green Protection :

  • Performance : high insecticidal or repellent effect
  • Environment : controlled ecotoxicity,
  • Health : controlled toxicity.
Green protection triangle

Would you like to learn more about Green Protection or our active ingredients? Visit our website: https://breyner.fr, where you can browse our blog but also learn about our treatments and our Research and Development program.

We are also present on social networks: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn.







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