• Greenfirst

    The excellence plant-inspired against dust mites,
    mosquitoes or bed bugs.

  • Greentop

    Anti-dust mite treatment
    for the whole family.

  • Greensphere

    Antibacterial and anti-dust mite treatment

  • GreenHome

    Anti-dust mites, anti-bed bugs and
    anti-mosquitoes treatment

  • Greentouch

    The double effect treatment against dust mites and bed bugs.

Breyner News

BREYNER : Geraniol to fight parasites

Benoit NYS

“98% of insecticides on the market are neurotoxic. We’ve always been shocked by the opacity of the sector. No one is informed of the toxicological risks involved in using this type of product”.

— testifies Benoit NYS.

Breyner, the BtoB specialist in textile pest control, opens up to the BtoC market

Dust mites, bacteria, bedbugs, moths, mosquitoes – no parasite can resist the company’s treatments, formulated from a plant-inspired active ingredient with many virtues: Geraniol. This molecule is present in almost all the plants around us, including carrots, ginger, blackberries, grapes and raspberries. The Geraniol molecule is particularly versatile: an olfactory agent in perfumery, a flavoring agent in the food industry, and an active substance with insecticide, repellent and larvicide properties in the biocides industry.

Geraniol is also non-neurotoxic to humans, unlike virtually all other insecticides on the market.

“We have developed and patented a technique for formulating Géraniol which stabilizes it in water and significantly optimizes its performance, providing very interesting synergy effects. Géraniol formulated by us can rival any chemical product on the market”, confides the CEO.

Thanks to the green chemistry know-how the company has accumulated over the last 25 years, Breyner treatments are able to control their impact on human health and, in turn, reduce their impact on the planet.

Geraniol to fight bedbugs

“Our modern living conditions encourage the proliferation of bed bugs, as we live in confined atmospheres and travel. Since our treatments work particularly well on this parasite, we’ve created a highly effective curative product and a green advisory service called GREENHELP”, explains Benoit NYS.

An approach to help private individuals combat the invasion of these pests, with :

  • a website
  • a toll-free number
  • personalized services
  • green products
BREYNER : Geraniol to fight parasites

Thanks to its sustained approach to R&D, the company has carefully examined the multiple advantages of geraniol. Its herbicidal and fungicidal properties have enabled it to identify a number of phytosanitary treatments for agriculture.


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