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  • Greentop

    Anti-dust mite treatment
    for the whole family.

  • Greensphere

    Antibacterial and anti-dust mite treatment

  • GreenHome

    Anti-dust mites, anti-bed bugs and
    anti-mosquitoes treatment

  • Greentouch

    The double effect treatment against dust mites and bed bugs.

Breyner News

We regularly talk about Geraniol but do you know permethrin? Today we inform you about this pyrethroid insecticide, commonly used to repel various insects. Since its approval in 2016 for TP 18 uses, the landscape has changed, consumer expectations have evolved, and regulatory requirements have expanded. Faced with this observation, does the disapproval of permethrin in 2026 deserve to be considered? Let’s see why in this new blog post.

Neurotoxicity : permethrin versus geraniol…

As you now know, geraniol will act directly on the cuticle of the insect (chitin) to dehydrate it, blocking its breathing. Geraniol therefore has no neurotoxic effect on insects. We can’t say the same about permethrin! It acts directly on the nervous system of insects.

In addition to this, permethrin is neurotoxic to animals orally. Recent studies have shown that geraniol, on the other hand, has neuroprotective effects for animals (tests performed on rats and mice).

Moreover, permethrin will alter nerve function in humans. Early exposure in infants can lead to brain abnormalities and problems. Geraniol has no neurotoxic effect on humans!

Finally, permethrin is classified as harmful by inhalation (H332) when geraniol is not suspected of being harmful by inhalation!

That’s already a big advance for geraniol !

Pets and the aquatic environment: the gap is widening !

Are you one of the 30% of French households with a cat ?(1) Know that permethrin is toxic to them! Indeed, it will cause symptoms of convulsion … rather embarrassing for a product destined to be used in the environment close to man… and therefore his or her pets ! Geraniol is not suspected of being toxic to cats !

Permethrin is also classified as highly toxic to the aquatic environment (H400, H410). Another big difference with geraniol, which is not classified as dangerous for aquatic organisms!

So is geraniol destined to surpass permethrin ?

What does the BPR Biocidal Regulation say ?

If permethrin, which has been used for a long time and is approved by the BPR biocidal regulation, after reading this blog post, we can wonder if its re-approval in 2026 is worth considering !

Indeed, since its approval in 2016 for TP18 uses, the landscape has changed and consumer expectations have evolved. Regulatory requirements have also become clearer. Is the choice of manufacturers then the best choice for the consumer ?

At Breyner, we proudly carry the banner of French know-how.

Our active substance dossier is evaluated by ANSES, one of the most demanding and conscientious evaluating Member States.

We make every effort to defend geraniol in a sustainable way !

Now you know that you have to be careful and that you can turn to a virtuous alternative: geraniol. This promising molecule paves the way for an uncompromising future, combining efficiency and control of the impact on human health and the environment. Be careful when buying your biocidal products, read the components carefully and put back those containing permethrin to protect you and your home.

Source : (1) https://fr.statista.com/themes/3183/les-francais-et-les-animaux-de-compagnie/#topicOverview


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