Biocidal products: an essential regulation for the protection of the environment and health
Biocidal products play an essential role in our daily lives by guaranteeing our protection against harmful organisms such as bacteria, insects, mould and rodents. However, due to their potential danger to the environment and human health, it is necessary to strictly regulate their use and placing on the market.
In this blog post, we will explore what a biocidal product is, how they are regulated and by whom, highlighting the EGALIM law.

What is a biocidal product ?
Biocidal products are substances or mixtures used to destroy, repel or render harmless harmful organisms. They are classified into four main groups: disinfectants (for hands, for water), preservatives (wood protection against insects for example), pest control products (insecticides, rodenticides) and other products such as antifouling paints applied to boats for example. These products are widely used in agriculture, public health, industry and households.
Regulation of biocidal products
The regulation of biocidal products aims to ensure their safest possible use and to minimise their negative impacts on the environment and human health. In Europe, this regulation is based on Regulation (EU) No 528/2012, also known as the Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR). This regulation applies to all biocidal products marketed in the European Union (EU) and their active substances.
The regulation of biocidal products is managed by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA).
ECHA evaluates applications for approval of biocidal active substances as well as marketing authorisation dossiers for biocidal products and maintains the list of approved substances.
The EGALIM law and biocidal products
The Law for the Balance of Trade Relations in the Agricultural and Food Sector and Healthy and Sustainable Food (EGALIM), adopted in France in 2018, plays an important role in the regulation of biocidal products.
It aims to strengthen the protection of the environment and human health by restricting the use of certain categories of biocidal products.
EGALIM has introduced specific measures concerning the biocidal products used. It aims to reduce the use of highly chemical biocidal products, by limiting their use. This helps to reduce exposure of the population and the environment, preserve product efficacy and avoid the development of resistance.
We dedicated a blog post to the claims prohibited by the Biocidal Regulation.
Indeed, when we place a biocidal product on the market, we must comply with this Regulation (EU) No. 528/2012 (Articles 69 and 72), which govern the labeling and advertising of biocidal products. Some statements should not appear, such as the phrases “low-risk biocidal product”, “non-toxic” or “environmentally friendly”, among others. We’ve already touched on this subject in some of our articles (1). We are limited in our BtoC communication on our range of cleaning products and our brands. The EGALIM law prohibits all commercial advertising for the general public on certain categories of biocidal products, notably TP 18.
At Breyner, we are committed to providing honest and transparent information to our customers.
And this is also what makes our strength: respecting these prohibitions while finding non-misleading alternatives ! (2)

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