• Greenfirst

    The excellence plant-inspired against dust mites,
    mosquitoes or bed bugs.

  • Greentop

    Anti-dust mite treatment
    for the whole family.

  • Greensphere

    Antibacterial and anti-dust mite treatment

  • GreenHome

    Anti-dust mites, anti-bed bugs and
    anti-mosquitoes treatment

  • Greentouch

    The double effect treatment against dust mites and bed bugs.


BREYNER : Geraniol to fight parasites

“98% of insecticides on the market are neurotoxic. We’ve always been shocked by the opacity […]


Pesticides and biocidal products : shedding light on challenges and alternatives

When we browse the aisles of supermarkets or stroll through local markets, the abundant variety […]

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Back from vacation ? Follow the guide !

The holidays are a long-awaited period, offering an opportunity to relax and escape from everyday […]

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We tell you all about citronellal

The world of active substances of plant origin holds many treasures, and among them is […]

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We regularly talk about Geraniol but do you know permethrin? Today we inform you about […]

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Committed to responsible and transparent consumption

More and more consumers are turning to responsible and ethical choices. It is with this […]

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BREYNER : Geraniol to fight parasites

“98% of insecticides on the market are neurotoxic. We’ve always been shocked by the opacity […]

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