• Greenfirst

    The excellence plant-inspired against dust mites,
    mosquitoes or bed bugs.

  • Greentop

    Anti-dust mite treatment
    for the whole family.

  • Greensphere

    Antibacterial and anti-dust mite treatment

  • GreenHome

    Anti-dust mites, anti-bed bugs and
    anti-mosquitoes treatment

  • Greentouch

    The double effect treatment against dust mites and bed bugs.


BREYNER : Geraniol to fight parasites

“98% of insecticides on the market are neurotoxic. We’ve always been shocked by the opacity […]


How to choose your duvets and pillows? Dopen thefilling that suits yout

Having the rightduvet and  pillow for your bed is essential for a good night’s sleep.  […]

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Green prevention, or how to protect against pests while controlling its impact on the environment and its health

When we talk about green prevention against pests, we often imagine solutions whose environmental impact […]

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Laundry care, how to wash delicate laundry

Laundry care: Delicate clothing often requires special washing and/or drying methods to keep the item […]

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Anti-dust mites treatments, prevention is better than cure?

Anti-dust mites treatments If you regularly follow this blog, it will not have escaped you […]

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Mosquito treatment: what if the solution was at the heart of the textile?

Summer is coming and with it the time of mosquitoes! Mosquitoes transmit viral and parasitic […]

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How to get rid of parasites present in our environment thanks to geraniol, a plant-based substance?

Even though we spend at least a third of our lives in bed, few of […]

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